Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bad Day

I'm really tired today. I think I got enough sleep last night, I'm just tired. Pretty sure I'm fighting some infections, so exercising today didn't seem like something I wanted to do. We were really busy all day which makes it hard to get it done during the day (before munchkin's bedtime), so I planned on doing it tonight. Bedtime for munchkin was a nightmare. She's been in her room screaming/talking/playing for almost an hour now. When I came down from her room all I wanted to do was eat skittles, but I turned on the Wii and did a Wii trainer game. I just set up the profile so there wasn't a ton of exercise involved, but it wasn't eating skittles and watching TV. Then, I got on Wii fit and did the body test...I've gained 3.7 POUNDS since YESTERDAY!! What the heck's up with that? So, now I'm tired, frustrated and really craving junk food (which is my best coping mechanism). It's not helping that my husband is sitting here eating freakin' cookies in front of me.
OK, done complaining for the moment (at least on here). Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Morning after the Day before

So yesterday I worked out for the first time in a million years and this morning when I got out of bed, I almost fell over. Oh my goodness!! My legs were so stiff and sore. My neck and head hurt too, but I don't think that's more related to sleeping than to working out. :) So today, even though I'm stiff and kind of sore, I'm going to workout again. My hubby's Gazell-ing right now and munchkin has been playing on it too. She tells me she has to do her "exercises" It's exciting to me that she is getting excited to exercise and she thinks it's a form of playing. I want her to keep that. I want to set the example that exercise is fun! I have never been a fan of exercise and one would think that gliding in place wouldn't be fun, but I put headphones on and listen to some great music and go. I'm in my own world and I'm happy and when I come out of my world, my daughter is watching me, and learning that exercising is fun AND good for you. You know, maybe she won't even need to learn that it's good for you, she'll just know that it FEELS good. That's what I'm starting to realize. So this week I'm going to focus on the exercise and also on eating healthy, whole foods. If you haven't read my profile or seen me on twitter I'm a vegan, so I'm into whole food, plant based diet. I'll post some meal ideas here too and I have a vegan blog you can check out if you so desire. :)

Thanks for reading. I'll try to get on again later and post how my workout went today! :)

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Journey Begins

I've decided to start watching what I eat and working out. My parents gave me a Gazell a few months ago and today I decided to pull it out and actually use it. I also got on the Wii and weighed myself (for the first time in MONTHS) and figured out my measurements and BMI. My goal is to lose 25 pounds in 17 weeks. It's a little less than 1.5 pounds a week. That seems doable to me. It will also get my BMI down to the normal range. My plan is to either use the Gazell or do some form of exercise at least 3o minutes a day every day for the next 2 weeks. That should get me to my first mini goal (3 pounds in 2 weeks). I will weigh myself every Friday and do measurements and take my BMI. I'll post how many inches I've lost, how much weight I've lost and what my BMI is. I will also try to post every day what form of exercise I did and how long I did it. I'm hoping that by putting it out here for people to read, maybe I'll be more likely to follow through. Also, if I fail, the world will know. :)

Maybe someday soon I'll post pictures of myself? I'll be thinking about it anyway.