Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hump Day

I've decided I'm the world's most boring blogger, but that's ok. Here's what I've been up to. On Feb. 1 I Gazelled for a full 30 minutes (with some breaks because I was being interrupted by my daughter)! I burned 270 calories and went 2.23 miles! This was a huge improvement and my legs weren't killing me! Actually, they didn't even hurt once I started moving. Yesterday wasn't so good. It was a crazy busy day. I left the house at 8:50 (which is early for us!) and got home at 1:45. We ate lunch, and the my friend brought her 2 kids over and they stayed until it was time to fix dinner and as soon as dinner was over we went to gymnastics. Munchkin didn't go to sleep until almost 10:00pm!! At that point, I said forget it. I was tired and had an upset tummy. So I sat my chunky hiney on the couch and watched TV. :)

Today I have been doing much better. I haven't exercised yet, but I plan on it (even though I'm tired) and I've been eating a little healthier. I decided to eat munchkin's lunch today. We had pretzels, carrots, unsweetened applesauce and yogurt (I had soy, she had 'Dora' aka Yoplait kids). It was good and I actually was satisfied when it was over.

How are you doing on your plan to get fit?

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